Amr Saleh

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Introducing Letters of Egypt

That’s why the twist with the five short stories that I am sharing with you today is that these tales are told exclusively through letters that are sent and received by the characters. The letters themselves are written in a way that mimics the style of the time period. Now, I did allow myself some artistic liberties, of course, to make the text both entertaining and in line with the canon of Treasures of Egypt. I do hope you enjoy these stories. You can discover the Letters of Egypt here or simply by clicking the image above.

Do you want to know what happens in the main novel? Then visit the page of Treasures of Egypt: the Speare & the Scythe to learn more. There you can read the first chapter for FREE, grab yourself a copy, add it to your Goodreads To-Read list, meet the characters, or even learn about the Real History behind the historical and mythological events that inspired the plot and the characters.