Amr Saleh

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Seqenenra Tao—The Martyr King

Few kings were able to leave their mark on history not because of their victory but due to taking the first step toward liberation. King Seqenenra is one of these rulers, the man who started the liberation war that ultimately freed Egypt from foreign rule. Today, we will meet the real king and learn about his depiction in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe.

Reign of Seqenenra

Seqenenra Tao was a king of the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt who ruled during the turbulent Second Intermediate Period circa 16th century BCE. He was the son of Senakhtenre Ahmose and Queen Tetisheri. His reign marked a significant effort to resist the Hyksos, foreign rulers who had taken control of northern Egypt. Seqenenra ruled from Thebes, where he sought to reclaim Egyptian territories and restore native rule.

The Second Intermediate Period

The Second Intermediate Period was characterized by political fragmentation and the domination of the Hyksos in the northern part of Egypt. Seqenenra's reign marked the beginning of the liberation war against the Hyksos. His efforts laid the groundwork for the eventual expulsion of the Hyksos by his successors, leading to the establishment of the New Kingdom.

Efforts Against the Hyksos

Seqenenra is renowned for his military campaigns against the Hyksos. Historical texts and archaeological evidence suggest that he was actively involved in battles aimed at liberating Egypt from Hyksos control. His campaign was marked by the "Hippopotamus Insult" incident, where the Hyksos king Apophis allegedly sent a message complaining about the noise of hippos, a veiled taunt regarding Thebes’s increasing power. Seqenenra's response was to launch an attack against the Hyksos, signaling the start of the intergenerational liberation war that ended with an Egyptian victory.

Circumstances of Seqenenra's Death

The exact details of Seqenenra's death remain a matter of scholarly debate. His mummy, discovered in 1881 at Deir el-Bahari, revealed severe head injuries but no defensive wounds on his arms, suggesting he may have been captured and executed. Modern CT scans have indicated that Seqenenra was likely bound and struck by multiple assailants using different weapons. This supports the theory of a ceremonial execution by the Hyksos.

Seqenenra in Treasures of Egypt

Seqenenra’s depiction in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe is faithful to his historical counterpart.

Seqenenra's Legacy

Seqenenra's legacy is marked by his role in the early stages of the war against the Hyksos. His death galvanized his successors, particularly his wife, Ahhotep, and later their sons, Kamose and Ahmose, to continue the struggle. Ahmose ultimately succeeded in expelling the Hyksos and founding the Eighteenth Dynasty, ushering in the prosperous New Kingdom period. Seqenenra's bravery and sacrifice are remembered in Egypt to this day as foundational in the reunification and resurgence of ancient Egypt.

Remember to cast the spell of regular updates to be the first to know about new posts, novels, and get many behind-the-scenes exclusives. If you would like to meet Seqenenra in the realm of fiction, consider checking out my YA fantasy novel Treasures of Egypt: the Spear & the Scythe.

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