"Man perishes; his corpse turns to dust; all his relatives pass away. But writings make him remembered in the mouth of the reader." — From the instructions of Ani, Egyptian Middle Kingdom.
Hello, there! I'm Amr Saleh, an Egyptian-German author based in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany (Yes, the one with the Oktoberfest). I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt (The country with the pyramids and mummies, yes), a city teeming with tales of ancient wonders. I've always had a passion for storytelling, and this passion is fuelled by my hobbies, which include writing (of course!), diving into captivating stories in all their forms (including video games - yes, they're art!), traveling, and learning about geography and history.
I truly believe in the power of stories as a unifying force. From the dawn of humanity, we've gathered around the hearth, sharing tales of heroes, villains, and fantastical beings. It's this yearning for a good story that transcends faith, ethnicity, and gender. And it's my dream to take part in this ancient tradition, to keep the flame of the hearth lit with my own tales.
I'm excited to share that my first venture into this tradition is my upcoming novel "Treasures of Egypt", set for publication in early 2024. It's been an incredible journey, and I can't wait to have you join me in it.