Meet Bennu, the sister of Khafset and Setu. The young girl who will become Egypt's greatest warrior. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel "Treasures of Egypt".

Hey! I'm Bennu. I'm not as shy as Iti, and I'm not as smart-smart as Setu, but I'm brave. Khafset is my big, big brother, and he's brave too. He says Mama and Papa are in the Field of Reeds. He says one day when we are very old we’ll meet them again. But I want to go to the battlefield when I grow up. People tell me girls can't be soldiers, but that's silly. If a woman can be a goddess of war, then why can't a girl be a soldier? Just you wait and see!

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Bennu.

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