Meet Iti, the sister of Khafset and Setu. The young girl who loves to learn. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel "Treasures of Egypt".
Meet Bennu, a character from Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe

H—hi! I'm Iti. I like to stay quiet and listen. My brother, Setu, taught me that smart people listen. He tells me lots of stuff. And I listen because Setu is so clever! Khafset and Setu aren't my real brothers, but they feel like it. Khafset says Mama and Papa are happy in the Field of Reeds with the gods. I like that. I want to know lots like Setu when I grow up. That sounds fun!

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Iti.

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