Meet Narmer, the father of Egypt and its founder, the Unifier of The Two Lands and the first incarnation of Horus, the falcon god. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel "Treasures of Egypt".
Meet King Narmer, a character of Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe

I am the father of Egypt, its founder, and its creator. I am Narmer, the Unifier of The Two Lands. With the crowns of Lower and Upper Egypt resting on my brow, I stand first in the long line of divine rulers. I wield the power of Horus, the falcon god, the embodiment of Kingship, as his first incarnation. It was I who turned two lands into one, who forged a civilization out of the wilderness. I am the symbol of unity, the cornerstone of the kingdom of Egypt. I am Minu Narmer, the mighty king whose name is still whispered by the subjects of his nation.

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Narmer.

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