Meet Naunet. The shimmering oasis to the weary at the Tavern of Avaris, where she dances to the tunes of the Hostess. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel 'Treasures of Egypt.'
Meet Naunet, a character from Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe

Naunet, that's the name they call me. Here at the Tavern of Avaris, I'm the shimmering oasis to the weary. Men come, seeking solace in my smiles, their dreams, and regrets drowned in mugs of beer. I wear my smile like a mask, a tool for survival in this den of wolves. Hate, it fuels me; but for now, I dance to the tunes of the Hostess.

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Naunet.

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