Meet Ramesses the Great, the Pharaoh of all Egypt and the embodiment of divine rulership and sovereignty. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel "Treasures of Egypt."
Meet King Ramesses the Great, a character of Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe

I, Ramesses, the Pharaoh of all Egypt, stand in grandeur. Clad in gold and power, I am the Living Horus, the embodiment of divine rulership and sovereignty. The radiant beams of the mighty Ra shine through me as I hold the balance of Maat within my grasp. I, the Lord of The Two Lands, am the solar barque against the encroaching chaos, the protector of our golden sands and the glorious Nile. Through my veins runs the blood of gods and kings; my voice thunders across the land, echoing from the ancient pyramids to the distant corners of my vast kingdom. I am User-Maat-Re Setep-en-re, Ramesses the Great, a ruler not just born of time but one who will rule through eternity.

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Ramesses.

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