Meet Thutmose, the first emperor in history, whose chariots, spears, and shields have dominated the known world and whose legend is etched on the walls of Karnak. Find out more in Amr Saleh's YA Fantasy Novel "Treasures of Egypt."
Meet King Thutmose, a character of Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe

Kneel before me, for I am Thutmose, the first emperor in history. My chariots have thundered across the corners of the known world, my spears have pierced the heart of chaos, and my shields have held firm against the storm of dissent. I am not merely a king; I am a warrior, a conqueror, the embodiment of our mighty gods. The tales of my victories are etched on the walls of the Karnak, an eternal testament to my unyielding spirit. With each dawn, my rule expands, and with each dusk, my legend grows. I am Men-kheper-re Thutmose, the Mighty Bull, the one whose power looms large over the sands of time.

Check out my YA Fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt” to meet Thutmose.

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