Welcome to The Real History. A blog where I talk about the real historical inspirations for my YA fantasy debut “Treasures of Egypt.”

Society and Religion — In Pharaoh We Trust
The Egyptian New Kingdom stands as a monumental era, marking Egypt's ascent to the pinnacle of ancient civilization. This period, spanning from around 1550 BC to 1070 BC, was characterized by the reigns of illustrious Pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Amenhotep III, and Ramses II, who propelled Egypt into the annals of history with their remarkable achievements. Yet, the essence of this era transcends the magnificence of its rulers, extending into the fabric of daily life and the profound spirituality that defined the epoch. Today we delve into the intricate mechanism of society and religion during the New Kingdom, shedding light on the lives of its people and their devout faith in an attempt to understand the Real History behind the society of Egyptians in the YA fantasy Novel, Treasures of Egypt: the Spear & the Scythe.