Meet the Egyptian gods in Amr Saleh's YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The spear & the scythe

From the timeless abyss of the Nun, the primordial waters of chaos, we emerged as the divine manifestations of creation, presiding over the eternal cycle of life and death. We are the gods and goddesses of Kemet and Deshret, the Black and Red Lands, embodying the elements and celestial bodies, the natural forces, and the human condition. In the heart of Egypt, we breathe life into the desert, shape the course of the Nile, paint the canvas of the sky, and guide mortal souls in their journey through life and into the afterlife. We, the Egyptian deities, are as numerous as the stars that twinkle in the black velvety canvas of Nut, each of us unique, yet interconnected in the intricate web of cosmic order, the Maat.

Ra illuminates the world with the dawn, embarking on his ceaseless journey across the sky as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Osiris rules the underworld, ensuring the deceased a peaceful transition and resurrection. Isis, with her magic and maternal warmth, offers protection and healing, while Thoth, the scribe of the gods, holds dominion over wisdom and knowledge. From the fierce Sekhmet to the wise Hathor, from the falcon-headed Horus to the jackal Anubis, each of us plays a crucial role in the grand cosmic theatre.

We are the gods of Egypt, woven into every grain of sand, every ripple in the Nile, every breath of wind, and every mortal's heart.

Meet the Antagonist

Meet Set

Meet The Hidden Ones

Meet Amun

Meet Amunet

Meet the Ennead

Meet Ra

Meet Isis

Meet Nephthys

Meet Horus

Meet the Gods of Frenzy

Meet Shemzu

Meet Apep

Meet Astarte

Meet the Goddesses

Meet Maat

Meet Taweret

Meet the Barque’s Crew

Meet Bastet

Meet Sekhmet

Meet the Guardians of the Underworld

Meet Anubis