Welcome to The Real History. A blog where I talk about the real historical inspirations for my YA fantasy debut “Treasures of Egypt.”

Astarte — Goddess of Love & War
Love and war might seem like conflicting concepts to us mere mortals. But not to the Canaanite goddess, Astarte. Today we explore her historical roots and the depiction of her fictional counterpart in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe.

Maat — The Goddess of Justice
In ancient Egypt, the concept of Maat stood at the very heart of society's beliefs and practices. Maat embodied the foundational principles of order, truth, and justice that ancient Egyptians held dear. They saw it as the cosmic force that ensured the universe operated harmoniously, from the predictable change of seasons to the reliable patterns of the stars. Today we discuss the goddess Maat who personified the cosmic concept of order and how she was depicted in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: the Spear & the Scythe.

Horus: The Immortal King of Egypt
Known as the Immortal King of Egypt, Horus holds a special place in the hearts and minds of those who study and admire ancient Egyptian culture and mythology. In this blog post, we'll explore who Horus is, his significance in Egyptian mythology, his family ties, the symbols and temples associated with him, and finally his appearance in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: the Spear & the Scythe.

Isis—The Great Lady of All
Isis, a name that echoes through the sands of time, belongs to an Egyptian goddess who’s captured the hearts and minds of people for thousands of years. She wasn't just any goddess but a symbol of many things—a beloved queen, a loving mother, a capable healer, a mourning wife, and a magician with unimaginable power.

The Egyptian Sun—Ra, King of the Gods
In the rich world of ancient Egyptian mythology, no deity shines as brightly as Ra, the sun god. Literally. Revered as the king of the gods, Ra's influence pervades every aspect of Egyptian culture and religion. This blog post delves into the fascinating world of Ra, exploring his symbolism, mythology, and the profound impact he had on ancient Egypt and how he inspired his fictional counterpart in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt.

Amun and Amunet—The Hidden Ones
Central to the pantheon of ancient Egypt were the gods Amun and Amunet, two deities shrouded in mystery and revered for their profound influence. In this blog post, we will delve into the mythology surrounding these enigmatic figures, exploring their origins, roles, and significance in ancient Egyptian religion, and how they inspired their fictional counterparts in my YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt.

Atum: The Egyptian God of Creation
In the realm of ancient Egyptian mythology, the gods embody the elements and forces of nature that shaped the world as the Egyptians knew it. Among these divine figures, Atum stands out as a primordial entity, a god of creation, and a being older than existence itself. This blog post will show you the true history of the fictional version of Atum present in my fantasy novel “Treasures of Egypt.” Together we’ll go on a journey through the real-world mythology and legends surrounding Atum, exploring his origins and his lasting impact on Egyptian culture.