Welcome to The Real History. A blog where I talk about the real historical inspirations for my YA fantasy debut “Treasures of Egypt.”

Horus vs. Set: The War of the Gods
The battle between Horus and Set is the concluding conflict of a multigenerational saga that’s rich with rivalry, cunning, and a quest for justice. But it isn’t simply the tale of godly combat but rather the essence of what these deities symbolized and the profound impact their conflict had on the cultural fabric of ancient Egyptian society, offering us a window into the ancient Egyptians' worldview, their values, and the cosmic balance they sought to maintain through their myths and deities. Today, we’ll discuss this epic tale and how it was depicted in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe.

Isis and Osiris—The Divine Power Couple
The tale of Isis and Osiris in Egyptian mythology is a story of love, betrayal, and triumph. Today we discover an epic that was the cornerstone of ancient Egyptian mythology, offering a glimpse at the mythology behind the fiction in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt.

Isis—The Great Lady of All
Isis, a name that echoes through the sands of time, belongs to an Egyptian goddess who’s captured the hearts and minds of people for thousands of years. She wasn't just any goddess but a symbol of many things—a beloved queen, a loving mother, a capable healer, a mourning wife, and a magician with unimaginable power.

The Egyptian Ennead—A Divine Family
The Ennead, a powerful group of nine ancient Egyptian gods, significantly influenced Egypt’s religious landscape. This blog post explores the history, significance, and enduring impact of the Ennead, exploring how the mythological Ennead has inspired its fictional counterpart in the YA fantasy novel, Treasures of Egypt.