It is the fan-bearer on the king’s right, the royal scribe, the city prefect, and grand vizier Paser who addresses Nefiri Minu, the scribe of the grand vizier and warden of Avaris. It is a master who addresses his apprentice.
What is the meaning of this? How is it that I keep hearing about an increase in crime in Avaris? How is it that people’s grain is lost?
Look, the people of Avaris may be considered undesirable parasites, but they still have work to do. Work that requires nourishment. How should we put them to work if they cannot eat?
Control the town which I assigned to you, my apprentice. Now, if you can’t control a small town, then how do you expect me to entrust you with control over an empire?
Heed my warning, Nefiri. Do not let fault accompany your work.
The warden of Avaris and scribe of the city prefect and grand vizier, Nefiri Minu, communicates to her Ahmose, commander of the Medjay in Avaris.
This is a missive to instruct the commander of the Medjay to conduct a thorough search of every household within Avaris. Should you discover any individual possessing more grain than permitted, bring that untouchable before me. Should your search yield no such findings, interrogate every inhabitant of Avaris. Should you learn of any individual who has recently amassed wealth, bring that untouchable before me.
A further matter: What is the meaning of this? How is it that you send information to the grand vizier without my knowledge? Am I not the warden of Avaris? Am I not your lady? Remember your direct superior, commander. Do not repeat that mistake. See, the grand vizier is mad at me because you burdened his wise mind with the matter Avaris. Disturb not my master with the affairs of the untouchables, for he contemplates matters of greater urgency.
A further matter: Exclude the slums of Avaris from your investigation. They lie abandoned, uninhabited even by the untouchables. Concentrate your efforts on the more significant sections of the town.
The commander of the Medjay in Avaris, Ahmose, communicates with Lady Nefiri Minu, the warden of Avaris and scribe to the city prefect and grand vizier, Paser. I call upon Isis and Hathor to keep you healthy, upon Bastet to keep you safe, and upon Sekhmet and Thoth to keep you mighty and wise as you have always been.
Why is my lady angry with me? Have I not always followed my lady’s commands? I do not know how the grand vizier heard about the situation in Avaris. Look, I was dictating a letter to the scribe Ramose when I received a letter saying that my lady was angry with me. Look, I did not send a word to the grand vizier, for I only answer to our lady of law and tradition. But my lady should know that our lord, grand vizier Paser, knows and sees all and doesn’t need me to tell him anything.
Now, I will follow my lady’s orders and search for the thieves.
This is Nefiri Minu, the warden of Avaris and scribe of the city prefect and grand vizier Paser, who calls upon her servant clerk Setu.
What is your brother doing now? Our lord, Grand Vizier Paser, has heard of the crimes in Avaris, and he is very angry. Look, I know you're the sensible member of your untouchable family, so tell your brother to see sense and stop what he is doing.
Heed my warning, Hyksos. I can take away everything I gave you and your brother.
This is Khafset of Avaris who writes to Nefiri Minu.
What is the meaning of this? Why are you blaming my brother for something he did not do? My brother is a good man. He came to me crying and said, "Khafset, why is our lady angry with you?" Look, I do not know anything about the recent crimes in Avaris. Don’t blame me because you can’t do your job. Look, leave my brother alone, or I will not leave your brother alone. Remember, I know where you live.
The commander of the Medjay in Avaris, Ahmose, communicates with Lady Nefiri Minu, the warden of Avaris and scribe to the city prefect and grand vizier, Paser.
During our investigations, an untouchable reported the theft of his cow. This is the first time someone has lost more than their grain.
The clerk Setu communicates to his lady, the warden of Avaris and scribe of the city prefect and grand vizier, Nefiri Minu: In life, prosperity, and health.
I apologize to my lady for Khafset’s letter. When I discovered it, I confronted my brother and said, “How do you address our lady like this when she has been so kind to us?” Please, my lady, excuse your servant’s mistake, for he does not know the proper way to speak to those superior to him, to those whose sandals rest upon his neck.
Look, as a gesture of my apology, I would like to offer my lady the cheese and milk that my brother gifted to me.
It is the fan-bearer on the king's right, the royal scribe, the city prefect, and grand vizier, Paser, who addresses Nefiri Minu, the scribe of the grand vizier and warden of Avaris. It is a disappointed master who speaks to his disappointing apprentice.
What is the meaning of this? The criminals are now stealing animals? Control your town now, my apprentice.
The warden of Avaris and scribe of the city prefect and grand vizier, Nefiri Minu, communicates to Ahmose, commander of the Medjay in Avaris.
The man who claims that his cow was stolen is a liar. He said that to divert you because you were searching for the grain. Tie him to a donkey and have it drag him through Avaris. Then, make an example out of the man for all the untouchables to see. Be creative with your example, Commander. There will be no consequences for your actions regarding the thief. He is just a Hyksos after all, and our lord doesn't care about his life.
Remember my words, Commander. The example should shake the untouchables of Avaris to their core.
This is Khafset of Avaris who writes to Nefiri Minu.
Why? You know the poor man did nothing wrong. You're just another savage like everyone on your side of the canal, aren't you? You always disappoint, Egyptian.
This is Nefiri Minu, the warden of Avaris and scribe of city prefect and grand vizier Paser, who addresses her servant Khafset, the thief of Avaris.
I know you are the thief behind the crimes. I know you are the one who stole the cow. I warned you to stop, but reason is as far from you as the clouds in the sky. You are the reason my lord was angry at me, and the reason I had to take action.
Heed my warning, Hyksos. If I go down, I’ll take all of Avaris down with me. Control yourself in the future, or there will be more examples.
It is the fan-bearer on the king's right, the royal scribe, the city prefect, and grand vizier Paser who addresses Nefiri Minu, the scribe of the grand vizier and warden of Avaris. It is a proud master who addresses his brilliant apprentice.
Very good, my apprentice. I shouldn't have allowed doubt to creep into my heart. As a reward, I finally spoke of you in the presence of Pharaoh, life, prosperity, health, and said, “Look, my lord, see how effective my apprentice is at applying your laws.” And my lord’s heart was filled with joy. Then I said, “Nefiri has put a spiked leash on the neck of every untouchable in Avaris,” and my lord’s heart sang with joy.
Expect to be summoned in the presence of Pharaoh, life, prosperity, health, very soon.
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